
Investment: 2016
Status: Exited
Sector: Office coffee solutions



Creation of a leading office coffee solutions provider in Sweden and Finland

During Valedo’s ownership, JOBmeal became a leading provider of Office Coffee Solutions (OCS) in Sweden and Finland with leading nationwide presence in both countries. JOBmeal successfully implemented numerous initiatives, including integration of ~20 local companies, market entry into Finland as well as initiatives for product- and service development to drive organic growth and profitability. During ~2 years JOBmeal doubled its operating profit and significantly grew its organisation.


JOBmeal was founded in 2000 by a number of local companies previously being part of the Canteen group. Having followed the industry for several years, Valedo was convinced that JOBmeal was a suitable platform to create a leading OCS provider in Sweden with great potential for geographic expansion. JOBmeal’s strong local presence and proximity to its customers, as well as long customer relationships and compelling service- and products offerings contributed to JOBmeal’s strong market position.

Prior to Valedo’s investment, JOBmeal was structured as a franchise organisation where the local, independently owned, companies jointly owned the JOBmeal trademark. In 2016, Valedo invested simultaneously in 17 JOBmeal companies with a plan of accelerated growth, investments in the organisation and development of the product- and service offerings. Owners of the local companies, other key employees and the board of directors invested alongside Valedo and became significant minority shareholders in the newly formed JOBmeal Group.

What has been accomplished

During Valedo’s ownership, JOBmeal was transformed from an entity consisting of numerous local, independently operated and owned, companies into a leading Swedish and Finnish OCS provider with nationwide presence in both markets. Four add-on acquisitions were completed, of which three in Sweden (to strengthen JOBmeal’s presence in certain regions) and one in Finland to enter a new attractive market. During ~2 years, JOBmeal increased sales from SEK ~370 million to SEK ~650 million with improved profitability.

Several initiatives were completed, including recruitment and addition of a group management team, establishment of a new group headquarter to manage several group-wide initiatives, implementation of a new organisation, etc. Significant investments were also made to significantly expand the sales force, development of the product- and service offerings as well as implementation of a new IT-system. At the time of Valedo’s divestment, JOBmeal was a leading office coffee solutions provider in Sweden and Finland with 370 employees and 35 local offices with hundreds of thousands daily end consumers enjoying JOBmeal’s hot drinks.

Key initiatives during ownership

A number of initiatives were completed between 2016 and 2018 to transform ~20 local companies into a leading office coffee solutions provider in Sweden and Finland:

  • Strengthened organisation through recruitment of a group management team, including CEO and CFO
  • Creation and implementation of a regional organisation with proximity to customers
  • Appointment of an external board of directors with experience of growing and developing companies within the services sectors
  • Significant investments in the sales force
  • Significant investments in operational excellence initiatives
    • Strengthening of central function capabilities
    • Structured approach of sharing best practices across all 35 local offices
    • Implementation of new ERP and IT-system
  • Development and implementation of refined customer offerings including new product and service concepts
  • Increased focus on customer and employee satisfaction through continuous monitoring and follow-up
  • Completion of four add-on acquisitions, including market entry into Finland
    • JOBmeal Sundsvall AB, company within the JOBmeal franchise not part of platform investment
    • Paussystem i Borås AB, office coffee solutions provider in western Sweden
    • Selecta Oy, market entry into Finland through acquisition of Selecta’s Finnish operations
    • Arnes Automatservice AB, office coffee solutions provider in western Sweden
  • Development of the reporting system to improve the control and monitoring of financial and non-financial KPIs
  • Purchasing cost reduction initiatives
  • The owners have not taken any dividends and instead invested substantial amounts in the business
  • A broad co-investment program was implemented to the employees in order to create a joint agenda

Divestment of JOBmeal

In 2018, JOBmeal was well on track to reach Valedo’s 2020 targets for JOBmeal. During spring/summer 2018, Valedo was approached by parties expressing their strong interest in JOBmeal. In connection with this, Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE), a company controlled by one of the world’s largest coffee groups JAB Holding, presented an offer taking into consideration the strategic position of JOBmeal as well as the future growth potential. This led to JOBmeal in September 2018 being divested to JDE.

Valedo divests JOBmeal to Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE)

Jacobs Douwe Egberts (”JDE”), a company controlled by JAB Holding (”JAB”), has acquired JOBmeal Holding AB (“JOBmeal”) from Valedo Partners Fund II AB (“Valedo”). JOBmeal has over the past two years completed four add-on acquisitions, expanded into Finland, grown significantly and doubled its profits. Today, JOBmeal is a leading company within office coffee solutions in

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Valedo invests in JOBmeal

JOBmeal Sverige AB as well as 18 local companies within JOBmeal (“JOBmeal” or the “Company”) have merged into one company while Valedo Partners Fund II AB (“Valedo”) invests in JOBmeal. The investment is made in partnership with JOBmeal’s management team and a large group of key employees. With Valedo as investor, the Company will be

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